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How to relax when under stress?

Everyone suffers from stress. There are days when you don't know what you are doing because of all the pressure. In most cases, this is only temporary stress. But this is not the case for everyone. There are people who feel stress and tension all the time. The causes may be different, but what is typical is that this is usually mental stress, with sometimes major consequences for both body and mind.

What are the consequences of stress and tension?

Everyone has experienced the immediate effects of acute stress or tension. You feel agitated and perhaps you have a bad night's sleep. When the stress is over, you feel a kind of relief and peace flows through your body again. Try to imagine if you always felt that tension and never found peace. This obviously has major physical consequences. You should therefore learn how to relax or seek professional help.

relaxing in case of stress

Physical effects of stress

In case of continuous tension and stress, your body will especially give you a lot of fatigue complaints. Your body sometimes feels extremely tired and exhausted and you also suffer from sleeplessness. This also results in sore muscles, for example, so that you adopt the wrong posture. Neck and shoulder complaints and headaches are a well-known example of physical complaints associated with stress. All these complaints have the consequence that your resistance becomes lower and you are more susceptible to diseases. Finally, you can also develop all kinds of other unexplained physical complaints, such as heart, stomach and intestinal complaints.

Mental effects of stress

Tension and stress is primarily a mental thing. This therefore has major consequences for your mental health. You may find yourself constantly worrying about all sorts of things and lose interest in other things. This can even go so far that you become forgetful. You don't see the good things in life anymore and you don't feel like doing anything. You have an obvious feeling that you can't get your rest and it seems as if you are always being hurried along. Anxiety and panic attacks can also be mental consequences of stress. Ultimately, stress can lead to burnout or PTSD.

cause of tension and stress

What is the cause of tension and stress?

Tension and stress can have different causes. The well-known burn-out, where the body fails completely, is a well-known problem in the business world. Taking on too much is one of the reasons for tension. Another reason is the experience of a traumatic event. This event makes such an impression on you that it leaves a permanent mark on your life and you always feel tension. These are often not the only symptoms associated with trauma. This can go hand in hand with anxiety and panic attacks, for example.

How to relax when under stress?

In case of temporary stress, you know how relaxed you should try to be. An evening doing nothing on the couch with a good glass of wine can do a lot. Of course, this is not possible if you are further down the road and have suffered a burn-out or a PTSD. The only way to mentally relax is to follow a form of therapy.

Relaxation therapy

Relaxation therapy is part of a psycho- and/or physiotherapeutic treatment, whereby the person under stress can be treated in different ways. This depends on the complaints. For example, this can be done by learning simple breathing exercises, but meditation or hypnosis can also be part of relaxation therapy. This is a typical therapy that is suitable for anyone who is under stress and tension and learns how to relax mentally. If there is excessive physical tension, massage is also part of relaxation therapy.


When a traumatic event can specifically be pointed out as the cause of tension and stress, EMDR is pre-eminently suitable. This involves focusing on the trauma by means of distraction. The patient thinks back to the trauma, with all the feelings and thoughts attached, and is then distracted by a hand gesture that he/she has to follow or a sound signal through headphones. By repeating this, it becomes easier to think back to the trauma and there are fewer emotions involved. This will also reduce the stress and even make it disappear completely.

Learn to relax with the products of Psylaris

When it comes to tools that help with therapies for excessive stress and tension, Psylaris is at the forefront of developing them.

For example, virtual reality is a very good tool for relaxation therapy. With Psylaris Care, Psylaris has released VR goggles with various modules, including the relaxation module. With VR glasses, the patient is not bound to the treatment room, but can also use them at home. By putting on the goggles, you are cut off from the stress and tension of reality and are transported into beautiful images and with soothing audio. By using the VR glasses at home, the patient can apply the therapy more frequently.

Tackling tension and stress by means of EMDR focuses on the cause of a traumatic experience. Here too, Psylaris has made it possible for the patient to be treated from home with EMDR-Remote. This online platform is easy to use for the therapist and easily accessible for the patient. The patient does not have to leave the house for the therapy and the practitioner has even more possibilities online to use distraction tasks.


Exposure in virtual reality

The goal of Psylaris is to support therapists even better with innovative techniques and tools. Virtual reality plays a leading role in this. With EMDR-VR and EMDR-plus an EMDR treatment is possible using virtual reality. The practitioner can use distraction tasks even better and the client can also be treated remotely. Virtual reality is ideally suited for exposure therapy. The client is confronted with his/her fears. It is no longer necessary to visit a physical location, such as an elevator in case of elevator fear or a shopping mall in case of agoraphobia. With the VR glasses on, the client is confronted with the fear in the safe environment of the treatment room or his/her home. Psylaris has developed modules for various types of fears that require exposure therapy. This saves costs and time, and the client can be treated more frequently, which results in a faster recovery.

Are you a therapist?

We believe with the combination of intelligent software and qualified therapists we can develop a system in which everyone, anytime and anywhere has direct access to efficient and affordable psychological care.

Psylaris Care VR therapy

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