This should be offered in every practice tomorrow!

Interview Kevin EMDR

2017 was a tough year for Kevin. He experienced a traumatic event. Despite the severity of his symptoms, he ended up on a waiting list for some time. When there was finally room for him, he ended up at a practice where he underwent regular EMDR therapy for a time. In the summer of 2018, [...]

Is the accidental discovery of VSDT the new solution to trauma?


VSDT - VISUAL SCHEMA DISPLACEMENT THERAPY What is it and how does it work? VSDT, or Visual Schema Displacement Therapy, is a potential treatment for stress and anxiety caused by trauma, in which unpleasant memories and clusters of unpleasant memories can be treated simultaneously. The method was discovered by Nik and Eva Speakman, a British television couple. Both [...]

E-trends for healthcare in 2019 - here's what to expect

Trends in health care GGZ

When it comes to technological innovation, healthcare is often seen as one of the most conservative sectors. And that's not surprising; after all, human lives are at stake. Trial and error may be a good way to introduce new tools in other sectors, but it's really different here. But still, there is [...]

Healthcare has never been so human. Easy e-health implementation? It is possible with these 5 tips.

E-Health EMDR tips

E-health is digital healthcare technology and is taking an increasingly prominent place in the healthcare landscape. The supply is growing and the solutions are improving. Success stories are quickly found. For example, robots are already being used successfully in care for the elderly and heart patients can be monitored at home via an app. These are great examples, and yet they are still [...]

Healthcare has never been so human

Human Mental Health EMDR Online

Much is changing in healthcare. Processes are being digitised and robots are taking over the work of people. Performance orientation, innovation and efficiency seem to be the order of the day in the industry. Insurers, consultants and IT companies see their chance and jump on this development. But wasn't it all about something else? Wasn't care about [...]

EMDR can be different

That Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an effective treatment method is something we can now conclude. Not that there are no critical voices; there is still plenty of debate. Is it really therapy, and not just intervention? And isn't the focus on a specific fear or trauma too specific? Doesn't that make you see [...]

The benefits of VR

Benefits VR GGZ

Better thanks to glasses. Virtual reality (VR) imitates artificial sensory experiences and has innumerable applications in healthcare and beyond. For example, you can walk through your new home before the developer has laid a stone in front of it. Or you can look down from a skyscraper to get over your fear of heights [...].

The innovation revolution in healthcare. 3 tips for leading with confidence.

Innovation GGZ

Technological innovation in healthcare has been a hot topic for years. And that this will continue to be the case for some time to come became clear a fortnight ago at the tech showcase event CES Unveiled Amsterdam, where we were invited by StartUpDelta to present. This event proved once again how fascinatingly fast technology develops. The applications [...]